A lot of people use a similar method when it comes to credit cards, thinking they’ll stay ahead by shifting the balance from one bank to another. That strategy works on every bank but one: the one issuing the last card used.
When it comes to credit cards, I learned the best way to stay ahead of the banks is to either pay them on time (banks hate that because they don’t get interest and call people who do that “freeloaders”) or simply cut them up right after buying something with the accrued points. I got a 32" flat-screen TV and as soon as I made sure it worked, I took a pair of scissors to my card.
A lot of people use a similar method when it comes to credit cards, thinking they’ll stay ahead by shifting the balance from one bank to another. That strategy works on every bank but one: the one issuing the last card used.
When it comes to credit cards, I learned the best way to stay ahead of the banks is to either pay them on time (banks hate that because they don’t get interest and call people who do that “freeloaders”) or simply cut them up right after buying something with the accrued points. I got a 32" flat-screen TV and as soon as I made sure it worked, I took a pair of scissors to my card.