Today started with a boom, or rather a bunch of booms in the middle of a T-storm. Now that the storm has past it’s still overcast with generally low hanging clouds. When I got up the temp was 50. It’s predicted to be overcast today with a chance of showers high 57.
Well my day will be nothing to stand up and scream about, so I won’t say any more about it. (^.^)
Today started with a boom, or rather a bunch of booms in the middle of a T-storm. Now that the storm has past it’s still overcast with generally low hanging clouds. When I got up the temp was 50. It’s predicted to be overcast today with a chance of showers high 57.
Well my day will be nothing to stand up and scream about, so I won’t say any more about it. (^.^)
Hope your day goes well and may God bless.