In some moments I feel like Nancy is the least compelling character in her own strip. Olivia’s been excellent at bringing distinct personalities and outlooks to the table in the guise of her supporting cast, but in doing so Nancy herself often seems to be relegated to the role of foil. I get it from the perspective of needing a punchline to make it a “comic” strip, but it tends to sell the character short by stripping her down to a parody of herself- too much of this and Nancy stops being relatable and just comes off as a prick.
In some moments I feel like Nancy is the least compelling character in her own strip. Olivia’s been excellent at bringing distinct personalities and outlooks to the table in the guise of her supporting cast, but in doing so Nancy herself often seems to be relegated to the role of foil. I get it from the perspective of needing a punchline to make it a “comic” strip, but it tends to sell the character short by stripping her down to a parody of herself- too much of this and Nancy stops being relatable and just comes off as a prick.