When cable first came out there was the promise of few, if any, commercials and no censorship… unfortunately that didn’t last very long.
You already paid for the cable, so why commercials? And again, since you paid for cable, it was assumed you were an adult and didn’t “need” censorship like on the air television that anyone could easily watch.
Well, we all know what happened as cable became more common and installed in more households. The prudes and busybodies came out in force and we ended up with censorship again and the advertisers realized they were losing eyes and forced their way in too.
Auntie Socialist over 4 years ago
At least you won’t see any other commercials…
poppacapsmokeblower over 4 years ago
Every commercial is paid for by the advertiser … So why don’t they all tell us that?
tcayer over 4 years ago
No one’s forcing you to pay for cable.
sml7291 Premium Member over 4 years ago
When cable first came out there was the promise of few, if any, commercials and no censorship… unfortunately that didn’t last very long.
You already paid for the cable, so why commercials? And again, since you paid for cable, it was assumed you were an adult and didn’t “need” censorship like on the air television that anyone could easily watch.
Well, we all know what happened as cable became more common and installed in more households. The prudes and busybodies came out in force and we ended up with censorship again and the advertisers realized they were losing eyes and forced their way in too.