Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 05, 2011
Lucy: What do you plan to do now that school has ended? Danae: Sit here until it's erased from my memory. Lucy: Oh, c' must have some fond memories of the school year. Danae: Umm... Hmmm... Ah, yes...*giggle* Good times, good times... Lucy: Any that didn't involve an explosion? Danae: Oh, well...if you're gonna put such narrow conditions on it...
Does Danae grow up to be Winona Ryder’s character in “Heathers”?
School days..,Cruel phase…Bad plays…Detention stays…Peculiar ways…Pubescent delays…Experimental craze…Summer haze….Love-lorn gaze…Classroom maze…Education pays?…IQ to raise…Final bell yeahs…An afternoon laze…