Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 03, 2013
Jeffrey: Uh... what's this? Danae: My New Year's resolution for you... and you're welcome! Jeffrey: Ooo-kay. Danae: So what are you workin' on, Jeffrey? Jeffrey: A comprehensive manual on how to survive the zombie apocalypse. As Louis Pasteur said, fortune favors the prepared mind. Danae: Read the resolution again!! Jeffrey: Someday you'll thank me for this... and you're welcome.
rayannina about 12 years ago
I like hiiiiim!
poppy1313 about 12 years ago
somebody put her in her place wa-hoo
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
zombie….walking dead teaches us to go for the head, cut off their arms and lower jaw. and don’t die or you become a zombie.
roctor about 12 years ago
Unwilling to comply to your request.Heres a suggestion.Back atcha.
alviebird about 12 years ago
<img src=“”¤t=download2-2.jpg" target="_blank">">
jdkingbear about 12 years ago
Those booger brained boys are snot with it.
Varnes about 12 years ago
A perfect foil for her……So what is she asking him to do, be an atypical booger brained boy? He’s kinda already that….Or maybe she’d like him to be a “special” booger brained boy? Naaaaaahhh……
emptc12 about 12 years ago
Danae might have p—— envy. Pity the man she marries..A vignette from long, long ago:.My 4-year-old brother is taking a bath. My 16-month-old sister toddles in, sees him sitting in the tub. She stares in astonishment. Then she bends over, nearly in half, and checks out the front of her diaper..I never tire of telling that story, especially to my sister.
The Old Wolf about 12 years ago
No, Danae – people don’t listen to you.
mikie136 about 12 years ago
Notsoastute said, about 1 hour ago
I never understood the P envy idea. Women can have as many as they want.
The Ps are meant to stick out not in
dabugger about 12 years ago
Had never thought there were ‘booger brains’ until I listened to members of the ‘tea party’ fret about losing the vote……
Vonne Anton about 12 years ago
When the zombie apocalypse starts, I’m moving in with Sturmi14! :-)
Justice22 about 12 years ago
Wiley is playing with your mind again.. LOL!
Kendor about 12 years ago
Considering the numbers of preppers out there, Jeffery may very well be writing a best seller.
postlibyan about 12 years ago
Rule 1: cardioRule 2: double-tap
Hunter7 about 12 years ago
prep work in progress…..….. just that it is taking longer than expected…
hippogriff about 12 years ago
Sturmmi14 : The SF fire (earthquake was a minor prelude) recovered because of government assistance – the assistance of quite a few governments around the world. Galveston had very few survivors. The evacués (almost all rich) returned, collected their insurance, jacked up the remaining buildings 20 feet, and filled in with dredge spoil. The government built a sea wall to make sure other storms couldn’t wash over the entire island. Note all the government assistance in your examples. It also built the Houston ship channel to get the port farther inland for safety. My father-in-law rode the last streetcar out of Galveston before it hit. I don’t depend on corporate media for information.
pcolli about 12 years ago
Don’t be afraid.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
I vow to always be a booger brained boy. Sorry Danae.
thirdguy about 12 years ago
Liberals understand reality quite well, thank you.You may want to try it some time.
ramonesfan about 12 years ago
Is Danae somehow related to John Boehner?
hippogriff about 12 years ago
Sturmmi14: Insurance for almost anything dates from the 18th century, although in the early days, it was considered a gambling device, thus life insurance being one of the last to be permitted as betting on someone’s life was considered beyond the pale.The Galveston storm was well under way when he boarded. The only meteorologist in town minimized the danger. My father in law was young, single, and owned negligible property, so had no need to ride it out. He said the streetcar was rocking so badly, many thought they were in more danger on the causeway than on the island. Needless to say, not very many could ride on one little streetcar of that day. The rich generally went inland in stormy weather, even one not predicted to be severe.