Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 31, 2014
Flo: Has anyone else tried that new lobstah supply system? Eddie: A-yeh. Flo: And did it wahk fah any of 'em? Eddie: Flo: Y'know, Einstein defined insanity as doin' the same thing ovah and ovah, and expectin' diffahrent results. Eddie: ? Ah...I get it. Einstein was a QUITTAH, eh? Flo: Me too...gah home, Eddie. Ned: Thus ending like every debate on cable news...
Can't Sleep about 10 years ago
The best way to deal with an upcoming election – shut off the cable in March, and wait until December to turn it back on.
Of course, you may get used to just watching TV shows on-line, and just forget about the cable. (Or, like me, just forget about the TV shows…)
RobinHood2013 about 10 years ago
Called it!!
Thank you, Flo!
Varnes about 10 years ago
I heard Ebola is trying to start a country in Iraq, Syriasly…..
Varnes about 10 years ago
BTW, that is not the definition of insane…Google it….
keenanthelibrarian about 10 years ago
Most of the generals in the First World War were of that opinion. Look how far in casualties that got ’em.
Reppr Premium Member about 10 years ago
the rise of the Libertarians?
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 10 years ago
The Libertarians are backed by the 1%, who simply want to pay less taxes for themselves. .They don’t give a damn about the rest..
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
I’ve been doing it wrong all my life, and never got any complaints…so there, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
nothingtoseehere about 10 years ago
True, but then you are expecting the same result, not a different one. And when you get the different result, you have to ask yourself “what the heck did I change?” And you spend a few hours scratching your head, and then head off to the pub.
dabugger about 10 years ago
Glad we don’t listen/watch cable news.
Strod about 10 years ago
Actually, apparently Einstein never said that. Wikiquote says this about that quote:
Variously misattributed to figures also including Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain. The earliest known occurrence, and probable origin, is from a 1981 text from Narcotics Anonymous.Note that Einstein died in 1955.Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Captain Eddie describes Einstein as ‘a quitter’. Huh. Here’s just a few of Einstein’s accomplishments:-He showed that absolute time had to be replaced by a new absolute, the speed of light. He basically stood the world of physics on its head by theorizing that time and space were relative, and only the speed of light was an absolute. At the time, science believed the exact opposite.-Einstein won a Nobel Prize for challenging the understanding of light as a wave, and demonstrating that it could also be regarded as particles.-He even answered the age-old question of ‘why is the sky blue’.-Some quitter!
vigilhonor-72 about 10 years ago
Joe Stopponghem- If only, if only!
yimhere about 10 years ago
Indeed. Worse yet, you might predict that if you did an experiment enough times, a simple error in procedure could actually produce a result that incorrectly validated your hypothesis. That “positive data” (an N of one) could be unethically used to support inherently false or flawed claims. Politicians do it all the time. So vote wisely next Tuesday!
goweeder about 10 years ago
“Einstein was also at odds with Quantum Physics.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Who isn’t?
Darsan54 Premium Member about 10 years ago
What does this have to do with anything?
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
Einstein was only in disagreement with theories regarding the mechanisms of quantum physics, specifically the concept of uncertainty and influence without a mechanism of energy exchange.And I believe that Abraham Lincoln was the first person to actually use this quote and attribute it to Einstein, in one of his famous radio addresses to the public.
Varnes about 10 years ago
BrassOrchid, I think I have a tape of Abe giving that address, but it’s on Beta…
20watt about 10 years ago
1. I doubt that Einstein said that.
2. ‘Insanity’ is a primarily legal term describing the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality or right from wrong.
3. IMO, Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results