Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 18, 2015
The Big Picture with Bernie and Phil. Bernie: You look a bit more agitated than usual today, Phil. Phil: Well...I made a pot of my favorite stew, but forgot to put in the bay leaf. Bernie: that ruined it? Phil: No...I found out it made no difference! So that got me to thinking...why does almost every recipe insist on adding a bay leaf? Bernie: must be a conspiracy! Phil: Exactly! We're all being duped into cooking with something no one can even taste! But by who? And why? Bernie: Come up with any plausible theories? Phil: Just one so far... A few more years of bay leaf marinating, and they'll all be ripe for harvesting! Mmm...can't wait! Bernie: I think we differ on the definition of "Plausible" Phil: Oh, like we're the only ones in the universe who'd come up with the idea of food trucks? Please...
whiteheron, Lima beans? Lima beans? Lima Beans? Lima beans? Lima beans? Lima beans? Lima beans? Lima Beans? Lima beans? Lima beans? Are you mad, man? Seriously, Lima beans?..God’s revenge for being a vegetarian………They’re awful…...