Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 15, 2015
December 14, 2015
December 16, 2015
Woman: I'm going out now, so don't get into the trash while I'm gone.
Dog: Now...get...into...trash..while...gone...
Caption: The canine editing process
A psychologist once told me that the brain does not process negatives. Therefore, a statement like “I am not afraid” is perceived as “I am afraid”. However, you can reprogram the brain by using positives, e.g.: “I am brave”. I was skeptical, until I tried it while I was buying my first house—whenever I started to panic over the huge step I was taking, I’d tell myself: “I am strong, I am brave, I will do this.” And, even though I knew it wasn’t true while I was saying it, after a while, it started being true and my panic went away.
A psychologist once told me that the brain does not process negatives. Therefore, a statement like “I am not afraid” is perceived as “I am afraid”. However, you can reprogram the brain by using positives, e.g.: “I am brave”. I was skeptical, until I tried it while I was buying my first house—whenever I started to panic over the huge step I was taking, I’d tell myself: “I am strong, I am brave, I will do this.” And, even though I knew it wasn’t true while I was saying it, after a while, it started being true and my panic went away.