And since drunk drivers kill so many (more than PEOPLE with guns) we need to ban cars. People don’t need cars any more than they need guns. - I don’t know, the real common denominator is PEOPLE. Maybe instead of politicians and Hollywood stars getting publicity, votes, etc by taking the easy path and grabbing the low hanging fruit, maybe we ought to go after the REAL problem, PEOPLE. - Maybe instead of passing laws to seize guns when somebody calls and says another person is a threat, we need to seize the dangerous person and handle that issue. Oh excuse me, that takes thought. That takes effort. That takes effort. Lets take the easy road instead. Go after the guns that can do nothing and let the evil people move on to other venues as they appear to already be doing. Morning news says one of the packages detonated had a trip wire which showed an increase in sophistication. The bad guys are learning. - I honestly hope that we don’t tackle this problem like we fought VietNam. We kept fighting WWII style but the problem in warfare had changed and we didn’t. The tools used by evil people are changing, we need to stop the evil people but it won’t be easy.
And since drunk drivers kill so many (more than PEOPLE with guns) we need to ban cars. People don’t need cars any more than they need guns. - I don’t know, the real common denominator is PEOPLE. Maybe instead of politicians and Hollywood stars getting publicity, votes, etc by taking the easy path and grabbing the low hanging fruit, maybe we ought to go after the REAL problem, PEOPLE. - Maybe instead of passing laws to seize guns when somebody calls and says another person is a threat, we need to seize the dangerous person and handle that issue. Oh excuse me, that takes thought. That takes effort. That takes effort. Lets take the easy road instead. Go after the guns that can do nothing and let the evil people move on to other venues as they appear to already be doing. Morning news says one of the packages detonated had a trip wire which showed an increase in sophistication. The bad guys are learning. - I honestly hope that we don’t tackle this problem like we fought VietNam. We kept fighting WWII style but the problem in warfare had changed and we didn’t. The tools used by evil people are changing, we need to stop the evil people but it won’t be easy.