The saguaros pinpoint the location—they only grow in the Upper Sonoran Desert, which is mostly in Arizona. On my yearly trek to a dude ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. via Hwy 60, I always was careful to stay within the speed limit, especially through the small towns along the way—I had been warned that the law was strictly enforced, especially for California drivers, so I never got in trouble.
This “Non Sequitur” joke actually has some basis. Some years back, my wife and I were driving through the Coastal Range on California Highway 46 in a very sparsely populated area. We was going a tad faster than the speed limit when we drove over a rise and there what looked like a California Highway Patrol (CHP) car sitting just off the road. I instinctively put on the breaks to slow down, though I knew we was caught. As we drove closer, we began to tell that something was strange. We finally got up to the CHP car and could then tell that it was actually a billboard, a cut out of a CHP car with a small warning at the bottom to not speed. At a distance, though, it looked real enough. We turned around and stopped to take pictures of it.
When the CT State Police changed from Crown Vics to Tauruses (Taurii?) I lost my edge— I could spot a Crown Vic from miles away. I’ve gotten good at spotting a Taurus, now, but the cops use SUVs a lot now, and go and tell them apart. Doesn’t really matter— I cruise at about 75, and that is cool with the police.
In VA, they have signs along the interstates that state, “Speed limit enforced by aircraft.” I keep waiting for the day when they use a air-surface missile to stop a speeder. Or maybe a gatling gun. Always tried to figure out how they “enforce” it. Found out it’s all a bunch of hooey.
It constantly amazes me that sooo many people can’t read, or even match up the numbers on the sign to the numbers on the dash. I’m just glad I’m not important enough to need to speed so much…
Must’ve been in the late ‘70s, there was a cop who hadn’t written a ticket to a couple of hours, despite moderate traffic. So he decided to see what was going on. He rode one way down the road, and found a teenager with a sign, “Cop with a radar gun around the bend”, and then he went the other way and found another teenager at a turnout, with a sign that said, “Tips”.
I got tagged in AZ doin’ 85 in a 75 out in the middle of the desert. When mentioning the wide visibility the trooper replied “what if you’re cresting a hill goin’ fast and right there in front of you is this huge Brahma bull?” You, the car and the bull become history. Actually, it was our CA plates that alerted the AHP.
Leroy almost 4 years ago
Rude 66??
Enter.Name.Here almost 4 years ago
More signs like that could mean more smiles in the world.
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
Remember Burma Shave signs? My fave:
He was right
Dead right
As he drove along
And just as dead
As if he’d been wrong
Bilan almost 4 years ago
Next, a patrol car really does sneak up behind him, the officer gives him a ticket and says April Fool!
RAGs almost 4 years ago
Actually, there are cameras embedded in the fake cacti.
Baarorso almost 4 years ago
Keeps ’em alert and keeps ’em alive! ;D
LeslieBark almost 4 years ago
The saguaros pinpoint the location—they only grow in the Upper Sonoran Desert, which is mostly in Arizona. On my yearly trek to a dude ranch in Wickenburg, Ariz. via Hwy 60, I always was careful to stay within the speed limit, especially through the small towns along the way—I had been warned that the law was strictly enforced, especially for California drivers, so I never got in trouble.
Doug K almost 4 years ago
The way he’s looking back, he will not see the “Made you look!” sign and not get the “joke”.
Alabama Al almost 4 years ago
This “Non Sequitur” joke actually has some basis. Some years back, my wife and I were driving through the Coastal Range on California Highway 46 in a very sparsely populated area. We was going a tad faster than the speed limit when we drove over a rise and there what looked like a California Highway Patrol (CHP) car sitting just off the road. I instinctively put on the breaks to slow down, though I knew we was caught. As we drove closer, we began to tell that something was strange. We finally got up to the CHP car and could then tell that it was actually a billboard, a cut out of a CHP car with a small warning at the bottom to not speed. At a distance, though, it looked real enough. We turned around and stopped to take pictures of it.
Lenavid almost 4 years ago
He’s still very much behind you waiting to cite you for your crimes. If you weren’t guilty, you wouldn’t keep looking.
Random Nick Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I wonder if a third sign says “Burma Shave!”
[Traveler] Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Once got pulled over for speeding in Nevada, in 81, but the ticket was for “wasting natural resources in short supply.”
RobinHood almost 4 years ago
Burma Shave
SusieB almost 4 years ago
April fools!
Lawrence.S almost 4 years ago
He could have drawn a car or two off the highway, when the cars drifted off the road while drivers were looking over their shoulders.
dot-the-I almost 4 years ago
Meme: “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” with Grim Reaper on a bike.
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
JohnTheFoole almost 4 years ago
On a long stretch of New Mexico highway, that would actually be funny!
steverinoCT almost 4 years ago
When the CT State Police changed from Crown Vics to Tauruses (Taurii?) I lost my edge— I could spot a Crown Vic from miles away. I’ve gotten good at spotting a Taurus, now, but the cops use SUVs a lot now, and go and tell them apart. Doesn’t really matter— I cruise at about 75, and that is cool with the police.
JayHill1 almost 4 years ago
In VA, they have signs along the interstates that state, “Speed limit enforced by aircraft.” I keep waiting for the day when they use a air-surface missile to stop a speeder. Or maybe a gatling gun. Always tried to figure out how they “enforce” it. Found out it’s all a bunch of hooey.
Redd Panda almost 4 years ago
… Burma Shave.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
On a related topic, do truck drivers still flash their lights to warn others drivers that there’s a speed trap ahead? I haven’t seen it in a while.
Amra Leo almost 4 years ago
It constantly amazes me that sooo many people can’t read, or even match up the numbers on the sign to the numbers on the dash. I’m just glad I’m not important enough to need to speed so much…
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Must’ve been in the late ‘70s, there was a cop who hadn’t written a ticket to a couple of hours, despite moderate traffic. So he decided to see what was going on. He rode one way down the road, and found a teenager with a sign, “Cop with a radar gun around the bend”, and then he went the other way and found another teenager at a turnout, with a sign that said, “Tips”.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Tiger’s Excuse!
dougsathome almost 4 years ago
paranormal almost 4 years ago
If you’re not speeding, there’s no reason to look back.
Rose Madder Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I didn’t know some drivers ever read signs, especially the ones who most likely to need them. Like speed limits, no right/left turn, etc.
Bookworm almost 4 years ago
As if any driver would look up from his cell phone long enough to see such a sign . . . .
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
Just before a bend in the road to avoid a rock wall – courtesy of Tom’s Towing.
phredturner almost 4 years ago
Signs installed for April 1
spaced man spliff almost 4 years ago
I got tagged in AZ doin’ 85 in a 75 out in the middle of the desert. When mentioning the wide visibility the trooper replied “what if you’re cresting a hill goin’ fast and right there in front of you is this huge Brahma bull?” You, the car and the bull become history. Actually, it was our CA plates that alerted the AHP.
jbruins84341 almost 4 years ago
Burma-Shave, anyone?
vick53 over 3 years ago
Love it!!! LOL!!!