Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for June 21, 2015
"Father's Day - My Family Supplies the ideas! Wife Lynn's Pear Review 'Good Job!' 'Thank you!' Bro Nick's 'I'm a mover and shaker.' 'I'm a hottie.' 'iWatch' Bro Carl's Star Wars 'No, I'm the star!' Sis-in-law Linn's Colorful Spring Bulbs Sis-in-law Erin's Confused New Englander Nephew Scott's Brick and Mordor Niece Lia's Political Cartoons Nephew Nate's 'I'm raising the steaks!' Nephew Seth's 'You're Under a rest!' Daughter Jen's 'I asked for a Dr. Pepper!'"
My favorite is daughter Jen’s. It seems she is heading to be just like her father