One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for January 22, 2022

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    allen@home  almost 3 years ago

    Not very neighborly is he.

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    whahoppened  almost 3 years ago

    You just borrow Roy to go with it.

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    jagedlo  almost 3 years ago

    So it’s snow good to ask Roy for his snowblower then?

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    PoodleGroomer  almost 3 years ago

    Buy an electric snowblower and enough 12ga extension cord in the March closeouts. It will snow again next winter. Just having it in the box in the garage kept it from snowing for 3 winters.

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    flemmingo  almost 3 years ago

    So use it for a few minutes at Roy’s then let it get away from you to your walkway.

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    kab2rb  almost 3 years ago

    Will Roy catch you if you bring snow blower to your house then return it?For us we not much use for one, though have one, just not much on snow, unlike temps which up and down. The grass is trying to grow and trees are budding out.

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    oldsmkysyvr  almost 3 years ago

    My dad bought a used snowblower many, many years ago. It started fine in July when he bought it. Not so great when winter came. He said it was a Toro model S.O.B.

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    tinstar  almost 3 years ago

    Roy’s a flake.

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