Out of the Gene Pool Re-Runs by Matt Janz for September 10, 2024

  1. Forbear
    Qiset  3 months ago

    Just bought some stamps. 73 cents each.

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  2. Missing large
    awcoffman  3 months ago

    People keep touting secret technology that lets engines burn water, which costs more per gallon than gas.

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  3. Bob blue
    Robert Miller Premium Member 3 months ago

    2005 comic, 2024 prices…shows how much things have gone up. If I knew now back in 2005, I would’ve saved more money…

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  4. Construction coffee
    sml7291 Premium Member 3 months ago

    When I bought my first car in 1973 the average gas price in my area was 30 to 35 cents a gallon. And there was one self serve station that sold at 25 cents a gallon. But then I only made $1.75 an hour working part time (I was a high school senior at the time).

    Then we had the gas crisis a little later in the 70’s and that started the up hill run on gas prices that we still see today. Once the gas companies found out how easy it was to gouge the public there was no going back.

    And we still have lower prices than other countries. My memories of living in Italy include gas prices per liter that were roughly what we paid per gallon. For the seriously math impaired you can equate a liter to be close to a quart. So complain all you want about our prices in the US but it could be much, much worse.

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    sincavage05  3 months ago

    It’s all perspective. Anyone remember penny candy?

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    gozirra2 Premium Member 3 months ago

    People sitting in a bar or at a ballgame complaining about the cost of gasoline. All while paying ridiculously high prices for a beer and snacks. Of course, tickets as well for any entertainment.

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