CC: choo!!
louie: woo! woo! woo! bark! bark ! bark!
CC: go back to sleep, louie. It was just a sneeze.
CC; but thank you for your vigilance.
Louie: hey, Im a guard dog. Its what I zzzz
One of my cats used to take my sneezes for a command to attack the other cats. He wouldn’t budge when anyone else in the house sneezed, but when I did, cat warfare would always break out. Sadly, he’s used all nine of his lives and is in that great mouse-hunting domain for eternity.
One of my cats used to take my sneezes for a command to attack the other cats. He wouldn’t budge when anyone else in the house sneezed, but when I did, cat warfare would always break out. Sadly, he’s used all nine of his lives and is in that great mouse-hunting domain for eternity.