I had a dog once that stopped eating entirely. I kept putting out dry food, and he kept ignoring it. I figured he’d eat when he got hungry enough. One day, an elderly lady knocked on my door and told me she and her husband had fallen in love with the dog, and were feeding it steak. The husband was wheel chair bound, and the dog had become an important part of his life. Since the dog was eating better than I was, I gave him to them.
I had a dog once that stopped eating entirely. I kept putting out dry food, and he kept ignoring it. I figured he’d eat when he got hungry enough. One day, an elderly lady knocked on my door and told me she and her husband had fallen in love with the dog, and were feeding it steak. The husband was wheel chair bound, and the dog had become an important part of his life. Since the dog was eating better than I was, I gave him to them.