Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for February 12, 2012
next up for your halftime pleasure. Verne: the super bowl: America's last shared spectacle.... verne: ...our attention spans are fractured...no on gathers for a single grand experience anymore.... ..an ancient pop icon.... this is our one common cultural touchstone... up syncing to a medley of sketchy hits!... hey! RJ: I'm watching downton abbey...mr. bates world war I is not your fault! frog: I'm watching "The new girl"... can I stop saying adorable now? Mouse: I'm watching a ted talk...in the future we'll make spleens out of cat spit! hammy: I'm watching squids 'n' spatulas on the backs of my eyelids...
Tailgate parties are not exclusive to football any more; many are held at the Santa Fe Opera. I’m sure other readers can come up with a lot more.