A little explanation is warranted here, methinks.[]At a Llewellyn family reunion, some years back, Ozy learned three things.1. His adoptive father comes from a very large extended family.2. Dragons run all the worldwide conspiracies, 3. That he was engaged to be married to Isolde, who by the bye is Llewellyn’s niece. []The last one was something Ozy didn’t know about until Isolde told him; it was the brainchild of the family matriarch, Great Aunt Tulip, who thought it was the only way, ‘this strange mammal’ could be integrated into Dragon society.Happily, Ozy got out of it, ( Don’t ask HOW he did it, it would take up the rest of this page )[]I will say that bringing Isolde back as a recurring character was one of the best decisions Dana ever made in regards to this strip; this young dragoness rocks the house.
A little explanation is warranted here, methinks.[]At a Llewellyn family reunion, some years back, Ozy learned three things.1. His adoptive father comes from a very large extended family.2. Dragons run all the worldwide conspiracies, 3. That he was engaged to be married to Isolde, who by the bye is Llewellyn’s niece. []The last one was something Ozy didn’t know about until Isolde told him; it was the brainchild of the family matriarch, Great Aunt Tulip, who thought it was the only way, ‘this strange mammal’ could be integrated into Dragon society.Happily, Ozy got out of it, ( Don’t ask HOW he did it, it would take up the rest of this page )[]I will say that bringing Isolde back as a recurring character was one of the best decisions Dana ever made in regards to this strip; this young dragoness rocks the house.