Pat Oliphant for February 04, 1982
Tapes: Lesee... MX... MX... I know - Malcolm X's initials, right? Richard, if only you hadn't got caught with the watches and the money... Poland - now, there's a great diversionary issue... Hmm... Hey, kids! Why don't we put on a show?? Let's call Charlton and Frank... I think we should allow tax exemptions for Billy Jimmy Joe Smith Caucasion Christian University... Oh? ... They do? Well does anyone mind? They do... Well, issue the non-racist statement and get me out of it, somehow... And get me an atlas and look up Detroit. Now, here's my position on China - Nancy says we definitely need the new stuff! Detroit? Going broke? Where's Detroit? Oh, that Detroit! ...They are? They did? They didn't... El Salvador is a leader in human rights... Stockman, you little **** - What's this thing in Atlantic?? Nancy, look at all those poor, out-of-work people down there... You're right, dear, they do look tacky! Why are you waking me at this ridiculous hour? ... Who dropped the bomb? ... Oh... Well, did it go off? That's right, ketchup is a vegetable - Stockman told me... (Chuckle)... That Jim Watt - such a truly loveable guy! Gee...See if we can pass this economic mess off on Volcker. Punk: Play it again, Ron! 1992 - Historians review the Reagan tapes.