Pat Oliphant for September 05, 1986
Man 1: Hey! Happy birthday! Man 2: Just what qualifies you to wish me that? I mean, who, exactly are you? Man 1: Oh - I'm the president of a Fortune 500 company, and on the boards of many banks, institutions and museums. Man 2: Any military service of note -? Decorations and the like? Man 1: Well - I served in Vietnam, was wounded three times and received the Medal of Honor... Man 2: And what of your educational background, awards, etc? Man 1: Um... I'm Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum Laude PhD and all that... And I once got a nobel prize for literature. Man 2: Hahvud, of course. Man 1: Man 2: Pity. Punk: Veritas, my... Little Man: Word!