When I was a baby, my grandfather (mother’s father) was dying of cancer and living with us. For some reason, he loved me more than my older siblings (I’m the only one who got a gift from him when born). He was still well enough to babysit me one day when my mother took my older siblings to go swimming. He wanted me to say “Mama” before he died. Anyway, he called where Mom was and told her to come home, quick! Since I wasn’t the healthiest baby (I sometimes had seizures), she bundled the other 5 kids & rushed home. He greeted her at the door with a big smile: “SHE SAID ‘MAMA’!” I was sitting there on the floor, saying “Mama! Mama!” Unfortunately, I was pointing at HIM! (He died exactly 1 week before my 1st birthday.)
When I was a baby, my grandfather (mother’s father) was dying of cancer and living with us. For some reason, he loved me more than my older siblings (I’m the only one who got a gift from him when born). He was still well enough to babysit me one day when my mother took my older siblings to go swimming. He wanted me to say “Mama” before he died. Anyway, he called where Mom was and told her to come home, quick! Since I wasn’t the healthiest baby (I sometimes had seizures), she bundled the other 5 kids & rushed home. He greeted her at the door with a big smile: “SHE SAID ‘MAMA’!” I was sitting there on the floor, saying “Mama! Mama!” Unfortunately, I was pointing at HIM! (He died exactly 1 week before my 1st birthday.)