Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 06, 1993
Marcie says into the phone, "Hi, Charles . . Did your dog get home all right?"<BR><BR> Lucy yells into the phone, "Sure, Charlie Brown, he almost kicked our door down!"<BR><BR> Peppermint Patty shouts into the phone, "Hey, Chuck, that's a weird dog you've got there!"<BR><BR> Schroeder says into the phone, "So all I'm saying is I don't want him leaning on my piano . ."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown holds the phone and asks, "Why can't I have a normal dog like everyone else?" The World War I Flying Ace stands at attention. Snoopy thinks, "Was that General Pershing? Tell him I'm on my way . ."<BR><BR>
Stop whining and get with the programme.