The other day I was walking in a part of town I seldom visit. A fox terrier pup bounced up to me and asked to play by putting his front paws on my leg. His owner was so embarassed, she probably thought I was going to yell and scream as many would do here. I just smiled and said, “He’s a fox terrier, they do that! More energy than they know what to do with.” Puppy therapy is a great thing, even when it’s not your puppy. If you want to learn about unconditional love and acceptance, get a dog!
The other day I was walking in a part of town I seldom visit. A fox terrier pup bounced up to me and asked to play by putting his front paws on my leg. His owner was so embarassed, she probably thought I was going to yell and scream as many would do here. I just smiled and said, “He’s a fox terrier, they do that! More energy than they know what to do with.” Puppy therapy is a great thing, even when it’s not your puppy. If you want to learn about unconditional love and acceptance, get a dog!