The first strip was actually published on the United Feature Syndicate in 2000, not 2002. The first Pearls published in a newspaper was published in 2001. Read it on wikipedia.
Rats have a life span of – at most – 5 years. So the 2012 Rat is more than ten years old. That’s 140 in human years . . . no wonder he’s so crotchety and bitter!
I came here to say that I have now read every single strip ever written for Pearls, from the first one in the first treasury to the 7/31/13 strip in the paper. And i loved every one. Go Pastis!!!!!!!
First strip! EVAR! THAT MEANS I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN READING EVERY SINGLE STRIP EVAR (BACKWARDS)!WOOHOO! (and is it weird i’m writing this @ 11:30 p.m. in hiding from my parents)
For anybody reading ‘Pearls’ from the begining please count the number of Crocs that die, the number of Zebras that die, and the number of times Rat kills Pastis (or severly injures him) Thank you!
Wow, the first pearls before swine comic, one of the best strips, if not the best, and now I can comment on them. I like the older strips more despite the newer strips having a better look, at least the old ones arent just a bad pun then stephen getting hit over and over
mac47 over 13 years ago
The very first Pearls.
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
^ Apparently I’m not the first to come and pay homage. Good first strip!
boyfromoz over 13 years ago
Wow, Rat’s almost showing some humanity!
slimbrownweed about 13 years ago
yeah,thats a first for rat!
Slam Dragon about 13 years ago
The first strip was actually published on the United Feature Syndicate in 2000, not 2002. The first Pearls published in a newspaper was published in 2001. Read it on wikipedia.
koopatroopafan almost 13 years ago
love this strip
wiselad almost 13 years ago
rat and pig sure looked different in January 2002, and “newspaper ones” only go back basically one week(it started Dec 31st, 2001)
egomantheegotistical almost 13 years ago
the characters looked different back then and the type was different, but its a pretty good first strip.
xall2h1 over 12 years ago
the first pearls!!
Sweet B over 12 years ago
Who man they look so crerepy (pig)
corzak over 12 years ago
Rats have a life span of – at most – 5 years. So the 2012 Rat is more than ten years old. That’s 140 in human years . . . no wonder he’s so crotchety and bitter!
m.l. over 12 years ago
Austria about 12 years ago
And now I have gone from current times to the very beginning of the strip.
PearlsBe4SwineFreak13 over 11 years ago
I was born on the second pearls!!!!
Sweet B over 11 years ago
if you miss kablam say I.i wasnt born in the 90s but it was probabley the best 4 years of your lives
................arya+eragon=love............. over 11 years ago
I came here to say that I have now read every single strip ever written for Pearls, from the first one in the first treasury to the 7/31/13 strip in the paper. And i loved every one. Go Pastis!!!!!!!
hitman4cookies about 11 years ago
So this is how it all started/
PEARLSBEFORESWINELOVER88 almost 11 years ago
claire de la lune. over 10 years ago
back in the simpler times of life….
Crazypearlsbe4swinefan over 10 years ago
I pay my tribute
dchur123 over 10 years ago
Da first pearls before swine!! Dahn Dahn Dahn !
RerunsforeveryoneCB about 10 years ago
comicsnerd74 over 9 years ago
First strip! EVAR! THAT MEANS I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN READING EVERY SINGLE STRIP EVAR (BACKWARDS)!WOOHOO! (and is it weird i’m writing this @ 11:30 p.m. in hiding from my parents)
Esnyder212 over 9 years ago
They look better in today’s strips.
alextheparrot about 9 years ago
I know! I actually also have the treasury, and was a bit confused at all the “oooh it’s the first strip ever” comments
Comicmaaan over 8 years ago
You ummm…. this strip started on 12/31/01
gnbman over 8 years ago
I see not much has changed.
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member almost 8 years ago
If they are talking t night, the next strip isn’t possible.
JackBlack1 about 7 years ago
I wonder how many times the “Risk of playing the game” joke has been used by now in Pearls, I am quite sure it was at least five times.
LeoDaSavage almost 7 years ago
Uh… can we do a moment of silence or something?
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
I wonder what came first? This or Timmy Faulier
The_Unborn over 5 years ago
TURTLEDUDE about 5 years ago
Rat and Pig kinda switched personalities.
marclimo almost 5 years ago
bignateyassqueen almost 5 years ago
my dad said “ha thats funny”
Future Reuben Recipient almost 5 years ago
The very fourth Pearls
Noreason42 over 4 years ago
look at rat he looks so uuuuuhhhhhh
Buizel over 4 years ago
Cool! rat and pig switched lines!
Beware of Duck (Happy Pride Month!!) over 4 years ago
I’m just here’s to pay tribute to the first strip of the best comic ever, and I’m joined by many others
MrSockSock over 4 years ago
Pizza_lover over 4 years ago
Lol! So funny.
PizzaKitty over 4 years ago
Aaaaah I forgot how different rat and pig looked lol. Strips still funny though, as always
Wҽιɾԃ Exρɾҽʂʂισɳ Mαɳ over 4 years ago
A ceiling tile CRUSHED somebody???
Inactive person over 4 years ago
Look at Rat and Pig so different!
WeirdStuff about 4 years ago
This looks creepy
A_Dilophosaurus almost 4 years ago
For anybody reading ‘Pearls’ from the begining please count the number of Crocs that die, the number of Zebras that die, and the number of times Rat kills Pastis (or severly injures him) Thank you!
potatokilledme almost 4 years ago
man these drawings suck
Cat that Adore Comics almost 4 years ago
Bye Bye Jeffy almost 4 years ago
if you look at this one and then look at the last one with rat you will see a HUGE difference in his snout
le sparkster almost 4 years ago
hey gocomics can you add the ones from the washington post? i want to read them.
ɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ (ᴅɪsᴛᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ) over 3 years ago
Tbh, I don’t really like pre-2008 strips.
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
And it IS a Pearl !
Nate Arbuckle, Quincy and Hobbes. over 3 years ago
Aah yes, the first comic strip from a comicthatIhaven’treallyreadbutmight startreadingitandIknowthatalotofpeoplelikeit.
Eagles fan (A.S.A) over 3 years ago
This was the third comic ever of Pearls Before Swine.
JSTORM85 1.0 (real) over 3 years ago
Wow this came out the day BN was created
newyorkbob570 over 3 years ago
Wow, the first pearls before swine comic, one of the best strips, if not the best, and now I can comment on them. I like the older strips more despite the newer strips having a better look, at least the old ones arent just a bad pun then stephen getting hit over and over
me_the_polish_gull over 3 years ago
You know, what’s funny? That they started publishing on this website from the second week of strips (February 7 – 13, 2002)
[Unnamed Reader - 88e25e] over 2 years ago
the first pearls was actually started in December 31 2001
aspen :D over 2 years ago
damn 20 years
Earls Before Swine Premium Member over 1 year ago
Aight. I have nothing better to do, so I’m counting all the dead crocs, once and for all. See you in a year or so.
Swirls Before Pine over 1 year ago
How do I know this an ancient strip? Rat is showing sympathy.
Barbara Chicco over 1 year ago
you can recognize the coming sophistication
Ruben S. 10 months ago
less likes then i had guessed, unlike the first bg nate
fr3ncht3ast 4 months ago
back when color wasn’t a thing