Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 31, 2014
Rat: So I'm driving down the road when I see this pedestrian who wants to cross the road in front of me, so I slow down to let him cross. Goat: So? Rat: So the guy fails to give the hand wave, the universal acknowledgement that someone on the road has done something nice for you. Goat: Who cares? Rat: He does. I accelerated and ran over his toes. Goat: You didn't. Rat: You gotta give the hand wave.
Sherlock Watson almost 11 years ago
I’m guessing he made a different gesture afterwards.
dadoctah almost 11 years ago
Have you noticed that you never see Rat and Larry David together at one time?
finale almost 11 years ago
No hand wave…or even “the nod”?
favm almost 11 years ago
A real gentleman of the road.
FabulousJewels almost 11 years ago
A pack of bikers once failed to give me the hand wave, which wasn’t a big deal.
But then one of them flipped me off and, well…
Nachikethass almost 11 years ago
Here in India, the norm is to speed up if you see someone trying to cross! The crossing on city streets reminds me of the wildebeest during the great migration, crossing a croc-filled river – someone is pushed into the stream and the rest follow!!
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
I always give the hand wave, if it is truly deserved. But Rat seems like the creepy type—the car creeps up on you, then stops, then creeps some more, then stops again, and so on. For that Rat, I have another version of the hand wave….
bgby4884 almost 11 years ago
No way I cross in front of a car. They’re bigger than I am! I can wait a moment.
bignatefan almost 11 years ago
I rarely give the hand wave. Especially not to a guy who clearly has the right of way at a four-way stop and who waves me through—usually by hand and through tinted glass, without using his lights. I didn’t ask for his freakin “favor” and I don’t want it. There, I’m ready for my commute now.
eddie6192 almost 11 years ago
I’ll be sure to give the hand wave the next time that I’m in that situation……hey you never know, the driver may have seen this strip.
luvcmx almost 11 years ago
I wonder what the Ratmobile looks like.
Dabattlebacca almost 11 years ago
Do not cross Rats warpath. (Without giving the hand wave)
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
but my arm was in a sling!
JR6019 almost 11 years ago
I never thought I’d agree with rat. Always give ‘the wave’.
Doctor Go almost 11 years ago
Now you’re going to get the universal hand gesture acknowledgement that you just ran over their toes.
Totalloser Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I always wave and say thank you when someone flips me the bird.The Handwave a classic Seinfeld Episode
Patricia Bocklage Premium Member almost 11 years ago
My husband and I joke that if you let a car merge in front of you in traffic and they don’t give the little wave, you get to hit them.
RACerri32 almost 11 years ago
I don’t normally side with rat, but this time I would give him points for accuracy, ( only the toes )
tazz555 almost 11 years ago
I always give the wave…just in case someone like rat is behind the wheel
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 11 years ago
There’s no reason Not to be at least polite!
Black4dder almost 11 years ago
“Who cares?” “He does.”
bobdingus almost 11 years ago
Crosswalks are completely meaningless. Pedestrians can legally cross a road anyplace it’s safe.
bobdingus almost 11 years ago
When I’m out walking I don’t expect or even WANT anyone to stop for me to cross unless they have a stop sign. I can take care of myself.
Number Three almost 11 years ago
Geez, Rat!
I do the hand wave every time.
Phatts almost 11 years ago
I solve the problem by never ever being a pedestrian
cattony almost 11 years ago
Too much use of the word “so” in those first two panels.
dzw3030 almost 11 years ago
That sounds like State Highway 4 in New Mexico. [Insert favorite obscenity here]
Drewdove almost 11 years ago
Give thanks or taste revenge, that’s the California way.
knight1192a almost 11 years ago
Actually, it’s the universal sign “Thanks for not running me over and for stopping so I an actually cross.” How many cross walks actually have the lights for crossing? I go downtown in my city and, not counting the side streets, there’s like six cross walks without crossing lights and only three with along main street and the major streets coming off main street. Side streets add another six or eight crosswalks without crossing lights, but you can usually cross those without worrying as much about cars running you down. Crossing main street and the major streets off it are where the heavy traffic flow is and where you really have to wait for someone to stop ad let you cross. Always seems less like your saying thanks when you wave to them for stopping and more like “Hey, I’m still here and gonna try and get across quickly. If I wave maybe you’ll see me better. Please don’t run me over.”
heatherjasper almost 11 years ago
I think the guy was too busy trying not to feel too awkward having to halt Rat’s day for a bit while he crossed. I feel like that every time a car lets me cross.
Omniman almost 11 years ago
Thousands of years of natural selection, yet you still see people in Portland who will walk in the street without watching for traffic, as if “right fo way” could protect them.