If people would learn to touch each other through massage more often, this would start to be a nice place to live. But, as you can see by some of the comments here, most men don’t have a clue when it comes to actually touching another human, especially a female. There’s only one thing men want touched, and so here we are a society of unevolved animals, sniffing our way to the next sexual encounter, meal or place to urinate. If men would actually take the time to explore the other side of their brain and use it, the world really would be a better place.
If people would learn to touch each other through massage more often, this would start to be a nice place to live. But, as you can see by some of the comments here, most men don’t have a clue when it comes to actually touching another human, especially a female. There’s only one thing men want touched, and so here we are a society of unevolved animals, sniffing our way to the next sexual encounter, meal or place to urinate. If men would actually take the time to explore the other side of their brain and use it, the world really would be a better place.