Nose hair, ear hair, bags under the eyes, laugh lines, brow furrows, moles, warts, acne scars, turkey necks, double chins, chin stubble, eye and nose boogers, pimples, flakey skin, troweled on makeup, bad dye jobs, crooked teeth, flying spittle, brushy eyebrows, uneven nostril holes.
Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly
June 10, 2017
May 20, 2021
Nose hair, ear hair, bags under the eyes, laugh lines, brow furrows, moles, warts, acne scars, turkey necks, double chins, chin stubble, eye and nose boogers, pimples, flakey skin, troweled on makeup, bad dye jobs, crooked teeth, flying spittle, brushy eyebrows, uneven nostril holes.