Poncho: I don't know what you're so worried about anyway. A dog's nose is his primary sense.
Poncho: Who cares if I can't see as long as I've got my honker!
Poncho: You can't trust your eyes. It's your other senses that'll get you through life.
@StelBel (from yesterday):From your reply, it’s hard to tell; but, I hope you didn’t take mine as a criticism. I meant it as the highest compliment, that the only thing I could find “wrong” was the length of the suit sleeves (a matter of personal choice, from someone who seldom wears one).You said you found the (no pocket hanky) image in the PC blog. I looked and couldn’t find it there, and Google couldn’t find it anywhere on the internet, other than your “copy”. Personally, I liked your first panel (the one that you drew) more.