On the other hand, I’m not particularly comfortable with hyper-politicized everlasting “memorials” to the death of my friends (I presume this old comic refers to 9/11) while we carefully ignore so many other tragedies throughout the world.
And that is why San Bernardino, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nice, New York, Boston, Fort Hood, Charlie Hebdo, and too many more have continued to occur. Excuse makers in government and media, who are well protected continue to allow this to occur.
Don’t worry the USA started a jihad…crusade to murder many many more in retaliation and the GWOT is still going on in dozens of countries! Aren’t you happy?
gammaguy about 8 years ago
That’s definitely not a “comfort” to me.
On the other hand, I’m not particularly comfortable with hyper-politicized everlasting “memorials” to the death of my friends (I presume this old comic refers to 9/11) while we carefully ignore so many other tragedies throughout the world.
gmartin997 about 8 years ago
I’m trying to remember what happened eight years, 3 months and 8 days ago today. Remember this strip is 7 years and that many days old.
DDrazen about 8 years ago
And a comic strip manages to date itself.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 8 years ago
And that is why San Bernardino, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nice, New York, Boston, Fort Hood, Charlie Hebdo, and too many more have continued to occur. Excuse makers in government and media, who are well protected continue to allow this to occur.
alondra about 8 years ago
At least Jeri feels bad about having forgotten, she does have a conscience behind all that selfishness.
kodj kodjin about 8 years ago
Good thoughts. Never forget that that kind of evil is still very much with us.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Don’t worry the USA started a jihad…crusade to murder many many more in retaliation and the GWOT is still going on in dozens of countries! Aren’t you happy?