While in Senior HS I went to the weight room on my own time to work out. Body building didn’t do wonders for me socially (except physically) and it didn’t attract not one girl who seemed interested. None. My oddness must have been too much. People in the main do not like odd. Even bullies stay away from such people. I was complimented by one of the coaches at least. But not reacting quite right can be a major turn off. An interesting bit of sociology and abnormal psychology experiment. I have narrowed it to Schizotypal Personality Disorder. You never hear about that one. Only affects about 4% and it is mostly males.
All it has to be is near subliminal in affectation. But it is enough. Only 5% of our communication consists of speaking. The rest is body movement.
While in Senior HS I went to the weight room on my own time to work out. Body building didn’t do wonders for me socially (except physically) and it didn’t attract not one girl who seemed interested. None. My oddness must have been too much. People in the main do not like odd. Even bullies stay away from such people. I was complimented by one of the coaches at least. But not reacting quite right can be a major turn off. An interesting bit of sociology and abnormal psychology experiment. I have narrowed it to Schizotypal Personality Disorder. You never hear about that one. Only affects about 4% and it is mostly males.
All it has to be is near subliminal in affectation. But it is enough. Only 5% of our communication consists of speaking. The rest is body movement.