Tax CUTS on the rich are what got us into this recession. Cuts led to deficits, led to cutbacks, led to unemployment, led to further loss in revenue. The Laffer curve and trickle down killed the economy. Truth is: taxes can be too high, and they can be too low. Right now, they are too low, and the fact that the middle class has grown at zero percent since Reagan, while the top 1% has grown 500%, tells you who’s not paying enough.
Tax CUTS on the rich are what got us into this recession. Cuts led to deficits, led to cutbacks, led to unemployment, led to further loss in revenue. The Laffer curve and trickle down killed the economy. Truth is: taxes can be too high, and they can be too low. Right now, they are too low, and the fact that the middle class has grown at zero percent since Reagan, while the top 1% has grown 500%, tells you who’s not paying enough.