Mr. Stantis coming down on supposedly ineffective solar powered manufacturers, he overlooks the Wall Street investment community, which rabidly supported Robme in the last campaign, track record. They make money on making money; they produce no products, increase no efficiencies, create no jobs (usually they eliminate them) and only produce profits for themselves. And wasn’t AIG considering suing the federal government over their bailout because they didn’t get enough money in their bonuses and dividends? Show me the manufacturer being that big of a dush.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
No comments? Really?
Mr. Stantis coming down on supposedly ineffective solar powered manufacturers, he overlooks the Wall Street investment community, which rabidly supported Robme in the last campaign, track record. They make money on making money; they produce no products, increase no efficiencies, create no jobs (usually they eliminate them) and only produce profits for themselves. And wasn’t AIG considering suing the federal government over their bailout because they didn’t get enough money in their bonuses and dividends? Show me the manufacturer being that big of a dush.