REDISTRIBUTION of wealth. RepubliCONs scam artists want to REDISTRIBUTE wealth from the working people who put hands on raw materials to produce real wealth in the form of creating goods and service, to the few richest elites who already have the most (because they inherited it from Daddy).
CONservatives want workers to WORK HARDER for LESS MONEY on which we pay a HIGHER TAX RATE, so the few richest elite investors can WORK LESS (or not at all, depending on how much they inherited from Daddy) for MORE MONEY on which they pay a LOWER TAX RATE (or none at all, depending on how many loopholes, shelters, deductions and offshore Cayman Islands accounts they can hide their money in).
REDISTRIBUTION of wealth. RepubliCONs scam artists want to REDISTRIBUTE wealth from the working people who put hands on raw materials to produce real wealth in the form of creating goods and service, to the few richest elites who already have the most (because they inherited it from Daddy).
CONservatives want workers to WORK HARDER for LESS MONEY on which we pay a HIGHER TAX RATE, so the few richest elite investors can WORK LESS (or not at all, depending on how much they inherited from Daddy) for MORE MONEY on which they pay a LOWER TAX RATE (or none at all, depending on how many loopholes, shelters, deductions and offshore Cayman Islands accounts they can hide their money in).