At least Stantis is acknowledging that it was a coup attempt, and gets close to acknowledging that it was an attempt to violently overthrow that government of the United States.
It’s also good to remember that it was largely the exact same Republicans* who vowed to obstruct everything Obama wanted to get done, even when they themselves proposed it. They lied about Obama being born in Kenya even after The Messiah admitted it was a lie.
They also tried everything they could in order to deprive poor people from getting health care and along the way did everything they possibly could to prevent black people from voting and from having their votes counted.
These Repubicans* are exactly the same as they were more than a decade ago. They’ve just become more obvious and are now more openly racist and fascist.
Maybe Stantis will acknowledge he’s given them too much slack all along.
At least Stantis is acknowledging that it was a coup attempt, and gets close to acknowledging that it was an attempt to violently overthrow that government of the United States.
It’s also good to remember that it was largely the exact same Republicans* who vowed to obstruct everything Obama wanted to get done, even when they themselves proposed it. They lied about Obama being born in Kenya even after The Messiah admitted it was a lie.
They also tried everything they could in order to deprive poor people from getting health care and along the way did everything they possibly could to prevent black people from voting and from having their votes counted.
These Repubicans* are exactly the same as they were more than a decade ago. They’ve just become more obvious and are now more openly racist and fascist.
Maybe Stantis will acknowledge he’s given them too much slack all along.
How many Republicans* acknowledge this?