This bank situation is going to be bad, much worse than it had to be, because the right is going to try to use it to their political advantage, with the fringe screaming about “woke” investment (the investment that caused the problem was not “woke,” it was US government bonds, which lost some value with higher interest rates. I fear jumpy people, not understanding the real issue, will stage runs on more banks and further concentrate the money is a few mega-banks. Guess they think this will cause people to vote for ’publicans.
Sigh. If Scott is going to basically repeat unilateral partisanship from yesterday, I guess I can repeat my yesterday’s lament: “Oh, shame on you Scott. You were doing so well at being objective and inclusive over the past four days of this arc, now you decide to pick a side and jump into the partisan battle with guns blazing. Shame.”
GentlemanBill almost 2 years ago
Funny, I would have pegged him as from BS-NBC…
Georgette Washington Bunny almost 2 years ago
Why not both?
The dude from FL Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Tucker would call it a gentle sprinkle whilst he cowered under his desk
gheisey Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Knock off the Fox BS, unless you add some MSNBC hosts.
CarrollJr almost 2 years ago
russef almost 2 years ago
Misspelled it AGAIN! It’s faux! faux!
DangerMan almost 2 years ago
This bank situation is going to be bad, much worse than it had to be, because the right is going to try to use it to their political advantage, with the fringe screaming about “woke” investment (the investment that caused the problem was not “woke,” it was US government bonds, which lost some value with higher interest rates. I fear jumpy people, not understanding the real issue, will stage runs on more banks and further concentrate the money is a few mega-banks. Guess they think this will cause people to vote for ’publicans.
William Robbins Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Wish I was surprised that people believe other cable news makes stuff up like the right’s does.
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Help ! Help ! Drag queens are after me.
Silly Season almost 2 years ago
The Sunday mod just deleted my search-able but not link-able citation…
(Which, obviously, doesn’t violate the “(6) link off-site” policy.)
If the policy is meaningless to the gocomics mod, it is meaningless. Period.
Kurtass almost 2 years ago
Holden Awn almost 2 years ago
Sigh. If Scott is going to basically repeat unilateral partisanship from yesterday, I guess I can repeat my yesterday’s lament: “Oh, shame on you Scott. You were doing so well at being objective and inclusive over the past four days of this arc, now you decide to pick a side and jump into the partisan battle with guns blazing. Shame.”
sandflea almost 2 years ago
What Winslow said.
rossevrymn almost 2 years ago
If it were Fox, you’d see the puppet strings from the 70 million.
sk2915kaiso almost 2 years ago
I miss the Daily Show with Jon Stewart!
hawgowar almost 2 years ago