Oddly, when I was a kid poison ivy had no effect on me whatsoever. I once rubbed it into my arm, and it did nothing. on a fishing trip a few weeks ago i discovered that it still has no effect at all.
In 1939 and 1940 we saw Oola shooting a .45 from the Trojan Horse, Oop chasing Ulysses in a motorboat armed with a Thompson, and Hercules and Oop fighting like kids in the backseat of a station wagon driving to the city of the Amazons (where he obtained Hippolytas belt.
A ball and bag of cocoa beans seems pretty trivial….
No I didn’t know that. Neither does anyone else intelligent enough to bother talking to.
Any idiot who thinks dinosaurs didn’t exist because some sheepherder 2000 years hadn’t seen one before is just plain stupid.