Dad needs a full helmet that protects his face. I used to wear one of those hat-style helmets. I was biking in the bike lane when I got hit. Got a broken nose and cracked jaw. Now I wear a full helmet. That puppy weighs 2 lbs — but it’s worth it!
I bike in bike lanes. Cars park in bike lanes, so sometimes I have to swerve into traffic to get around them. I’m still recovering from being hit 2 years ago by a car that made a left turn into my bike lane and hit me. You want something for your comics? The police took my bike which they thought was still working to the police station for safe keeping while I was in the hospital. My bike got stolen from the police station and I had to pay $25 for a copy of the theft report to show my insurance company.
Here’s more information on DDT and malaria that’s worth reading:
Unless you are allergic, gluten is good for you.