60 yrs ago—when i was Red’s age-my mother would use heavy cream (which is used to make whipped cream) as a substitute for the milk. she would patiently stir it in the pan, until it came to a near boil. i can still taste that cup of chocolate heaven. enjoy Red and Rover…
i find. that if i get better batteries..they last much longer then the cheapies..also—if you are not going to use the mouse for a spell..shut it off..that saves the batteries also.
i never once used the race card..i was just saying -that it crossed the line on being funny-when Earl rejected to meet anyone.‘anyone who doesn’t like that—can “unfriend me”..go smoke that!
our nativity set—dates back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. the "broken " pieces are cherished and are placed first when set is placed out on Advent 1.we wouldn’t have it any other way either.it embraces over 100 yrs of our family celebrating Christmas.
Southern New England…for starters.