More than 60 years ago, we tobogganed down “Bald Mountain” (MI) full-speed into the trunk of a thorn tree, catapulting me and my 3 siblings into the branches. The ride was absolutely worth it.
Huh. Interesting. Thanks. Come to think of it, that does ring a vague bell. I probably read that somewhere, then forgot. When things make perfect sense to me, I sometimes forget the idea isn’t mine.
Re: the Nature of Reality. Note the car nearly vertical here. Also note, a strips later, that the car is towed out without any damage. BW sees no contradiction in that, any more than a stuffed toy that’s real. At this moment, Calvin’s world has ended.
I love how this manages to thoroughly confuse us as to the place of morality in the grand scheme of things. One thing’s for sure: Cal’s a real human being (and Hobbes loves him anyway). PS: I hope one day we have a comic strip of this quality with a girl protagonist.
Yes. I think both Shel and Bill vividly remember the joy and terror of childhood. The magic of being thrown up into the air and then caught by daddy.