Sorry, but I am older than dirt and we never did more than scrape out the goosh and seeds before carving. Of course we were city dwellers and bought our pumpkin pies. Perhaps a rural family might go that extra step for a pumpkin pie.
I just threw the extra ‘when’ in to see who notices (not). Really dislike the lack of an edit function and too much trouble to do a cut, delete, paste when (there is where the extra when went) I can spend 5 minutes doing a reply to myself.
On the negative side is when you try to wear one when when you must wear glasses and hearing aids. You spend more time trying not to lose you hearing aids when you put the mask on, while you are wearing it and when you try to take it off. Let’s hear it for returning to the OLD normal.
Beat you @ 972 months and I occasionally see some 252 month old babes (I mean babies).