Oh, he’s not in the wrong house. He is at his final trial….to be judged by the one who knows what really happened. Then, he will be sent down to the Gates of Hell.
You are a very sad person if that is what has popped into your head as the first thought. Some girls are stronger than that mentally. I was bullied in school because of my clothes…..hand me downs that didn’t fit so I wore sweatshirts a lot. Never once did I think of ending my life.
Stone Soup Classics hasn’t been updated since October 31st. Hope they aren’t going to take it down like they did 9 Chickweed Classics. It seems whenever the “Classics” stop updating they take it down for good.
Don’t you know how to zoom out and in? It takes 5 seconds. Click on the ICON in the top right hand corner and zoom to make it bigger. Not rocket science.
She retired 4 years ago from every day strips. She stopped the Sunday Strip in May 2024.