Service in CO is outstanding. Efficient and personable. The restaurant show was taking requests for “exceptional service.” I couldn’t come up with one because they are all exceptional. Not always so in other parts of the country (Wisconsin for example.)
Been there, done that. Worse yet is when contestants on Wheel of Fortune continue to request letters and buy vowels after my wife and I have solved the puzzle. “Why are you wasting money on vowels you idiot. Just solve the puzzle.”
I will clean house. wash dishes, I even changed poopy diapers but, I will not cook. In my defense, however, I will eat anything and actually enjoy premade frozen meals (we used to call them TV dinners.) Frequently, when my wife is too tired to cook or tired of cooking I will have one of these dinners or maybe a Spam sandwich.
Is anyone else having trouble getting the Arlo&Janis blog?