I must be too ego-centric. To me, this cartoon is not about the President Elect, but about if I am going allow the coarseness in our society to affect the way I treat my fellow critters on this planet. The irony in the comments is so painful I really wish my significant other would have let me build that fortified bunker when the primaries were over. If I can find any solace in the current societal conditions, it is that Mark Twain often wrote about the self-righteous puffballs a century and a half ago and we survived them. Now, would someone do something truly important and write a humorous comment and was a little bit of the bitterness off of the comments.
Great artwork, although Calvin and Hobbes would be more red whereas this is more purple. Kind of a mix of blue and red. Maybe Berkeley is trying to convey something a little more important than a silly four frame cartoon. Hats off to making me laugh and think.
Binkley and Sons?