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Recent Comments

  1. 6 months ago on Nancy

    We can only hope!

  2. 11 months ago on Luann

    These have been quite good actually.

  3. about 1 year ago on [Deleted]

    Frankly, the less of Dapne, the better.

  4. over 2 years ago on Nancy

    The episodes with Fritzi and sometimes Sluggo are the only ones worth reading.

  5. over 2 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Frankly, we need to get back to Joel & Rufus and forget about the kids. We had enough of them to last a long time in the Dick Tracy episode.

  6. over 2 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Actually, these are my favorite characters by far in this strip, infinitely moe entertaining than the recent ones with the kids and Dick Tracy!