But it was indiana jones style!
How did Lupin hear what Elvis said? He’s deaf, and in a basement they don’t have a face-cam thing I don’t think…
How did you not know their gender, did you find them or adopt them? Aren’t they nuetered/spayed?
Virtual hug! I’m so sorry for your pets passing (even though it has been a few years) I bet she thinks about you as much as you think about her.
The cat version of swearing to a diety.
What Lupin would say: ‘I landed gracefully, on my stomach, on a hardd surface, from four feet up, without perparing…’
Many thanks my good fellow!
I don’t get ’you’re the biggest spoon’
Why did Lupin freak out? Was he following the crowd?
Does Elvis actually hate the candy wrappers? (This is multiple years later, so IDK if his opinion has changed)
But it was indiana jones style!