Boy: I read the other day that most climate change scientists are on the take from big corporations who want to corner the ice market. Man: Where, on the internut? Boy: Dad, you're so techologically illiterate. You mean internet. Man: No, I mean internut.
pschearer: I remember. Based mainly on dendrochronology (tree rings) and ice cap evidence, the 1970s were supposed to be the peak of an abnormal period of warm, moist, and stable weather, and it would be downhill from that. Instead, it changed to hot, drought, and a mix of blizzards, tornados, and floods. Now how does that indicate it is “just the natural cycle” rather than human slopping things up again? Except for the few non-scientists (despite their PhDs in those fields) on the take, how do you explain over a thousand peer-reviewed papers demonstrating climate change, versus none from the corporate propagandists? Oh yeah, conspiracy.