Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for June 10, 2012
Man: Isn't it nice just sitting in the middle of the lake? It's so quiet, with just the sound of the water sloshing against the boat, the loon calling in the distance... Man: ...And, of course, the sound of you telling me "I told you so" after you asked me if we had enough gas.
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
1 to 2 odds that she throws him overboard.
grossvatter over 12 years ago
thats what he gets for taking the nag with him !!!yak,yak,yak!!
Spyderred over 12 years ago
If she checks for herself after asking, then she knows she has a liar and an untrustworthy jerk on her hands, so can proceed accordingly. Also note no paddle, life jackets or radio.
pcolli over 12 years ago
Why is it, that when there’s silence, someone always says in a very loud voice, “Isn’t it quiet?”
wellhoney over 12 years ago
Gosh, I’m fed up with all those (need a job) ads poppingup along with the comic, blocking it and they just don’t stop.Grrr !