Red and Rover by Brian Basset for October 04, 2015
Dear Editor. type type type type type type Every day your newspaper prints stories about horrible things. Things like shootings, murders, famine and war. type type type type type type type type type At the same time, terrible things happen to pets, too. Bad people beat, starve, abandon, and neglect them every day of the week. type type type type type type type Please give a voice to the meowless barkless by letting their stories be heard. type type type type type type type You can make a huge difference in their lives and in the world we live in. Sincerely, Red and Rover. type type type Slurp
I’m very happy to say that our local paper has a weekly feature (on Sundays, biggest circulation day) from a local rescue / shelter organization that offers information on animal care and features some of their adoptables, their profiles and a little bit of their histories.