Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for July 14, 2012
Rip: Dutch, are you part of skull? Dutch: Boy, I'll feed you my knuckles if you say that again! Cobra: Then tell us why Rip and I are together. Dutch: You're special - you have a unique ability! Cobra: Wha - ? What, am I like the dragonborn or something? - Knockity knock-knock Rip: If that's the pizza guy, Dutch, I'm not paying! Man: Parker, put your weapon away. They wouldn't be dizzy enough to come back here. Parker: Have you me these do-goodahs? They ah dumbah than a Yankees batting coach!
HUGPOUNCESZZZ!!! and, for a refresher Course on HUGPouncing…See todays Calvin and Hobbes. (Linda, You don’t need a refresher, I’m just trying to come up with a Suitable Award for You….:-) Have Fun Y’all!