I’m as disgusted as the next person, or more so, at the thought of eating insects or caterpillars.
And I’m not exactly sure what they mean by 12 mm of caterpillars….
I’m guessing it’s a section of one caterpillar, or a whole, tiny one, that’s 12mm long…. though I’d think the diameter would matter.
12 mm is a tiny bit less than half an inch of a caterpillar..
I wouldn’t want to find that in my spinach… but that’s what’s allowed in in 24 pounds.
A 15 oz can of spinach is almost a pound…. that means cans are allowed to average half a millimeter of caterpillar…
ie, a crosswise slice of caterpillar half the thickness of a credit card.
A box of frozen spinach is about 10oz these days… so the average allowed slice per box is 2/3 as thick the one allowed in the can…. a third of a mm… as thick as three sheets of cheap printer paper…
Imagine cutting through three sheets of paper with a hole punch that’s about the diameter of a caterpillar…those three dots of paper are how much of the beast is allowed.
Would we even see it?
Of course, the problem is, it’s probably not evenly allocated….
maybe it passes inspection if 23 cans (or about 38 10 oz boxes) are clean and one container holds that whole half-inch piece.
I’m as disgusted as the next person, or more so, at the thought of eating insects or caterpillars.
And I’m not exactly sure what they mean by 12 mm of caterpillars….
I’m guessing it’s a section of one caterpillar, or a whole, tiny one, that’s 12mm long…. though I’d think the diameter would matter.
12 mm is a tiny bit less than half an inch of a caterpillar..
I wouldn’t want to find that in my spinach… but that’s what’s allowed in in 24 pounds.
A 15 oz can of spinach is almost a pound…. that means cans are allowed to average half a millimeter of caterpillar…
ie, a crosswise slice of caterpillar half the thickness of a credit card.
A box of frozen spinach is about 10oz these days… so the average allowed slice per box is 2/3 as thick the one allowed in the can…. a third of a mm… as thick as three sheets of cheap printer paper…
Imagine cutting through three sheets of paper with a hole punch that’s about the diameter of a caterpillar…those three dots of paper are how much of the beast is allowed.
Would we even see it?
Of course, the problem is, it’s probably not evenly allocated….
maybe it passes inspection if 23 cans (or about 38 10 oz boxes) are clean and one container holds that whole half-inch piece.
With my luck, that would turn up in my serving.
Good thing I don’t like canned or frozen spinach.